Security Processes We Have Implemented at BTN to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus
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Effective immediately, due to the declaration of Coronavirus as a global pandemic, we are taking the following precautions to avoid the spread of coronavirus:

  • There will not be in-person coverage of public places or public events for the time being. We would encourage all such places and events to cancel public gatherings, and adhere to social distancing.
  • Our staff will work through public channels, via e-mail, and by phone, to gather information for news reporting, rather than conducting in-person interviews.

Here are the steps that we’ve been taking at the newspaper’s headquarters, which is in the Founder’s home, and is encouraged at the homes of our staff:

  • Everything that comes into the building from outside must be disinfected with wipes or spray, while not wasting disinfectant supplies in the process. This includes all groceries, packages received with spray disinfectant both inside and outside, mail received with wipes when possible on the outside, and handled as if they are contaminated on the inside requiring hand-washing after handling them, common sense about disinfecting, etc.
  • Clothing is changed after going out into the public. It is washed with disinfectant solution, and the hamper is disinfected with disinfectant spray when it is emptied.
  • All surfaces must be cleaned with disinfectant daily, even though there is little chance of the surfaces harboring the virus. High traffic surfaces are cleaned on a regular basis as well.
  • Anything that is going out of the building, i.e. mail, packages, etc. must be produced in a completely clean environment, and cleaned when possible before leaving the building.
  • Allow disinfectants to work for at least the minimum recommended time period that surfaces must stay wet for.
  • When using a disinfectant spray, apply a fine mist that covers the entire object. Don’t waste disinfectant spray by soaking objects.
  • Regularly disinfect your phone, computers, computer keyboards, tablets, and other electronic devices. They are high traffic areas, as you touch them after you have touched dirty surfaces, especially phones, tablets, and computers when in public.

Personal Hygiene:

  • Never touch your face with unclean hands. Also, trim your fingernails to avoid germs collecting underneath them.
  • Washing hands for 30 seconds with soap and water, whenever it is available.
  • Wash hands regularly, even if you think they are clean, with common sense.
  • Use of hand sanitizer containing 60-70% Alcohol when a sink isn’t available, such as out in public, on a regular basis. Apply enough hand sanitizer that the surfaces on the hands stay moist for approximately 20-30 seconds, and continue to rub them together until they are dry.
  • Don’t touch high traffic areas if possible, such as elevator buttons, door handles, etc. If you do, use hand sanitizer to wash hands after touching those surfaces.
  • Don’t use public bathrooms if possible. If using a public bathroom, wash hands vigorously with soap and water, and use a paper towel to open the door, and then throw the paper towel away. If this isn’t possible, such as the trash can not being near the door, then use hand sanitizer, even after washing hands if you’ve touched the door handle or any part of the door.

Home Security:

  • NEVER let anyone you don’t know into your home.
  • Consider every other person as potentially infected if you are not sick.
  • If you are sick, with any condition, you should probably stay home.
  • Stock up on supplies, and make sure they are secured inside your home. Do not communicate to any other person outside your home regarding what you have inside your home, including any food, medicine, and other supplies that you’ve stockpiled because of the crisis.
  • Ensure there is nothing valuable in the house that would attract criminals.
  • If the situation of the Coronavirus outbreak were to compromise law and order due to people running out of supplies, people that you either know or don’t know may try to come to your home to get supplies. Do not let anyone into your house during a national crisis.
NH DHHS Announces New Presumptive Positive Test Results for COVID-19
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Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has announced a new presumptive positive test result for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. There are currently 6 positive cases in New Hampshire.

The person is an adult male from Rockingham County who traveled to multiple countries in Europe. The person self-isolated upon return from Europe and notified their healthcare provider after developing symptoms. Household contacts have self-quarantined.

DHHS conducted an investigation into this person’s activities and has determined the person has been isolated at home since returning to New Hampshire except to seek healthcare. NH DHHS has not identified any person other than household contacts in New Hampshire who may have been in close contact with this person while infectious.

Despite increased testing in our communities, the NH DHHS has not yet identified any widespread transmission in NH nor individuals who test positive without clearly identified risk factors (e.g. travel or contact to a confirmed COVID-19 case). Any person who develops a fever or respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) should stay home away from others and seek health advice by phone from a healthcare provider to discuss symptoms and any risk factors for COVID-19.

Given the increasing numbers of infections globally and around the United States, all persons should:

·  Stay home and avoid public places when sick (i.e. social distancing)

·  Cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing

·  Wash hands frequently

·  Avoid being within 6 feet (close contact) of a person who is sick

·  Avoid sharing drinks, smoking/vaping devices, or other utensils or objects that may transmit saliva

·  Disinfect frequently touched surfaces

For more information on COVID-19 in NH, please visit For the latest information from the CDC, please visit

NH DMV Adds an Online Document Checker To Assist Real ID Customers
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In their continuing effort to assist New Hampshire citizens in getting REAL ID, the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles is pleased to announce the creation of the REAL ID Document Checker now available on the DMV website. This new interactive tool is dedicated to assisting customers with identifying the required documents when getting a REAL ID. The Document Checker will help customers in being fully prepared with the necessary paperwork which may save time during transactions and decrease the need for multiple visits. A link to the Document Checker can be found on the DMV web site at

“Having appropriate documentation when arriving at the DMV is critical to an efficient and successful visit,” said DMV Director Elizabeth Bielecki. “Our Document Checker will be helpful when applying for REAL ID and we hope everyone takes advantage of it prior to heading to their local DMV office.”

Customers are encouraged to utilize this new tool on our website and take advantage of our additional Saturday hours for REAL ID transactions, including this Saturday, March 14, from 8am to 12pm in Concord, Manchester, Nashua, Newport, Dover, and Twin Mountain.

For detailed documentation requirements and facts about REAL ID, visit

NH DHHS Daily Update on COVID-19 – March 11, 2020
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Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has issued the following update for March 11, 2020, on the new coronavirus, COVID-19. DHHS will continue to issue COVID-19 updates each day to provide media and the public with current information about the State’s efforts.

What’s New

DHHS is closely monitoring the global COVID-19 outbreak and emerging science in order to minimize the impact on the health of our population, including rapid identification, isolation, and testing of people with suspect COVID-19. DHHS is issuing the following updated guidance for our communities.

·  DHHS Expands Testing Capacity for COVID-19 

The State Public Health Laboratories (PHL) has increased its COVID-19 testing capacity after receiving additional testing supplies from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The additional supplies will allow the PHL to test an additional 250 people who have been determined to qualify for testing.

·  NH Insurance Department Mandates Coverage for COVID-19 Testing

The New Hampshire Insurance Department has issued an order requiring New Hampshire insurers to cover costs associated with testing for COVID-19 without cost-sharing. The order includes information on actions insurers are advised, or required to take, including keeping residents informed about available benefits, telehealth options when possible, and expanding access to prescription medication refills.

·  NH Joint Information Center Offering Assistance to Local Emergency Management Directors, First Responders

The New Hampshire Joint Information Center has reached out to local emergency management directors, and police and fire chiefs in order to provide coordinated assistance and information around COVID-19. The JIC will serve as an information hub, streamlining the process of keeping local partners informed. 

New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report
(updated March 11, 2020, 9:00 AM)

Number of Persons Confirmed 1


Number of Persons Presumptive Positive, awaiting CDC confirmation 2


Number of Persons with Test Pending in PHL 3


Number of Persons Tested (closed, tested negative)


Total Number of Persons Provided Specimens


Number of Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time)


1Includes specimens confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.
2Includes specimens tested at NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL) and other reference laboratories.
3Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL).

DHHS continues to test for COVID-19 in the NH Public Health Laboratories. DHHS is updating its website Monday through Friday to include a current summary of testing actions.

Previous Updates

·  DHHS Announces Fifth Presumptive Positive Case of COVID-19

·  DHHS and DOE Address School Concerns Surrounding Educational Trips

·  First round of self-monitoring and self-quarantine process has been completed 

NH DHHS Daily Update on COVID-19 Archive

Because COVID-19, and all respiratory illnesses, are most commonly spread through respiratory droplets, residents should take the same precautions as those recommended to prevent the spread of influenza:

·  Stay home and avoid public places when sick (i.e. social distancing)

·  Cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing

·  Wash hands frequently

·  Avoid being within 6 feet (close contact) of a person who is sick

·  Avoid sharing drinks, smoking/vaping devices, or other utensils or objects that may transmit saliva

·  Disinfect frequently touched surfaces

For more information, please visit the DHHS COVID-19 webpage at